Together with the implementation of
HACCP, the use of chlorine dioxide can make disinfection tasks more transparent
and reduce operating costs, says Bernhard Baumgärtner, director Asia Pacific,
Prominent GMBH.
During the last few decades, a wide
variety of technologies have been introduced in different areas of the food and
beverage industry which focus on quality improvement. Even before the
harmonisation of the EU regulations was implemented, the food and beverage
industry was aware of the sanitary risks as well as the economic consequences
of microbiological product contamination. This resulted in the establishment of
internal regulations for hygienic production in all areas.
The implementation of an HACCP
concept, however, not only requires that production should be effected under
perfectly hygienic circumstances, but also requires a comprehensive
documentation of the operational measures necessary for that.
Chlorine dioxide is a disinfectant supporting HACCP
because it can be generated on demand and the dosage can be adjusted accurately
to meet varying needs. New online measuring methods make an exact documentation
of the application concentration simple and safe, even in areas where the
sample water is contaminated; for example in the disinfection at the cold water
zone of a bottle-washing machine.